2015 Book Award Recipients
On Friday, May 1, Matthew Inman Key, Jr. (right), a junior at Porter-Gaud School in Charleston, SC received the Johns Hopkins Book Award.
Dr. Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer (SPH '00), Director of Biostatistics at the Hollings Cancer Center in Charleston, presented Inman with the award.
On Tuesday, May 26, Anna Claire Book (right), a junior at the Academic Magnet High School in Charleston, SC also received the Johns Hopkins Book Award.
Gary Weart (Ed '74) presented Book with the award.
The Johns Hopkins Book Award is a prestigious award offered yearly to an exceptional junior at each of the participating secondary schools.
The award celebrates the spirit of Johns Hopkins University, whose alumni populate the upper echelons of many disciplines, including literature, the arts, medicine, the sciences, international affairs, the social sciences, and engineering.
The Johns Hopkins Book Award Program is administered on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association by its local chapters.
While the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association considers this award to be an honor, receipt of it should in no way be construed by its recipient as any indication of likelihood of admission to Johns Hopkins University should he or she choose to apply.
Learn more about the Book Award here.