Alumni Council

Overview and Responsibilities 

The Alumni Council is the governing body of the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association and is responsible for the overall direction and management of the Alumni Association.

The council’s primary responsibilities include: 

  • Advising the university on alumni affairs
  • Developing programs to strengthen alumni connections with the university
  • Developing networking opportunities for alumni and current students
  • Helping prepare current students for their role as alumni
  • The Alumni Council includes 64 voting members and nine student representatives, one from each division. The full council holds an annual meeting each September/October in Baltimore, MD. 

>> Download and view the Alumni Council bylaws (PDF).
>> Learn about Alumni Council committees.
>> Executive Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes


Alumni Council members serve three-year terms which may be renewed once. Council members are elected by the current Alumni Council from a pool of nominees who have been engaged in Alumni Association activities in a significant way. In order to be elected to the Alumni Council, alumni must be nominated.

For more information about nominations, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 410-516-1205 or