Digital Jays: Blazing New Trails In Business & Media with Emerging Tech

Hosted by Arts, Entertainment, Media and Entrepreneurship (AEME) Affinity
One of the strongest aspects of the JHU Arts, Entertainment, Media and Entrepreneurship (AEME) Affinity is to bring together amazing Hopkins alumni to candidly share their stories - both their successes and their challenges. This panel discussion focuses on alumni thought leaders in the field of the digital technology sector.
All Affinity programs offer a great opportunity to network with casual food and drink before and after the "formal" interactive program, with a chance to chat in depth with our panelists following their discussion. This evening is being graciously hosted in the beautiful new offices of Boxed - join us! #AEMETech
Susan Daimler, A&S '99
Vice President, Zillow Group New York
General Manager, StreetEasy
Chieh Huang, A&S '03
Co-founder and CEO
Boxed Wholesale
Emily Li Mandri, A&S '09
Ecommerce + Digital Marketing Strategist
Feedshop, MLE Consulting
Ravi Mody, Eng '05
Director of Data Science
iHeart Radio
Michael Brooks, A&S '10, '12
Global Director of App Advertising