JHU WIB Celebrates Women's History Month
Please join us for the Women in Business (WIB) Women's History Month “Celebration of Remarkable Women” Campaign starting on March 1. The WIB Affinity is hosting this campaign to celebrate Women’s History Month and to gear up for our upcoming 3rd Annual Remarkable Women Conference on March 27th in Washington, DC.
Each day check out the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association on Facebook and Twitter to learn about a different woman who has made a lasting, often times historical impact in their field, community, or in the lives of others. Every Friday, instead of a fact, we will ask a trivia question about a remarkable woman in Johns Hopkins history. The first person to correctly identify her win a $5 gift card to Starbucks.
Please also check out all the great things WIB is doing and register for the JHU WIB Leadership Conference in March.