Evidence Based Government: How Big Data Drives 21st Century Policy
JHU Federal Government Affinity
The Big Data revolution is bringing unprecedented information to policymakers' fingertips as all branches and levels of government grapple with a fast-changing economic, social and political landscape. The volume and variety of previously unavailable information reshapes how the federal government reacts to threats, navigates explosive political issues and safeguards the health and well-being of American citizens. But with promise comes peril: Will the velocity of data collection swamp even the most determined agency? How can policymakers analyze and synthesize a bewildering array of data sources, collection methods and frames of reference to produce sound policy? Will evidence-based policy lead to better stewardship of scarce resources and to better outcomes for the nation?
The evening features a panel discussion about the broad range of challenges and how to harness Big Data to deliver a more responsive government while safeguarding valuable information. Join the conversation: #jhubigdata
The evening also includes time for informal networking before and after the panel discussion. Food and drink will be provided.
Scott Straub, BUS '08
Market Planner
LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Joanna Zablotsky Kufel, SPH '03, '09
USDA Food Safety Inspection Service
Anna McCollister-Slipp
Galileo Analytics
Ann-Marie Hofer Simpson, A&S '04
PMP certified Manager
Capgemini Government Solutions, LLC