SOLD OUT: Affinity DC | Women's Leadership Conference

This event is Sold Out. For questions or concerns please contact Vicky Schneider (
If you're a federal employee affected by the government shutdown, please email a copy of your ID to confirming which local event you'd like to attend, and we'll do our best to accommodate.
Thanks to our sponsors!

The executive education experience can be even more effective with courses that are tailored to meet your teams individual leadership needs. In an effort to meet your team where they are professionally, our short courses follow three paths – core, growth, or stretch.
Click here to view Adriano's PowerPoint
For a complete list of course dates for Spring 2019, please click here.
Niyati Shah hopes you’ll continue to manage your stress and anxiety every day. Here’s her message to you, “I hope you were able to find a few techniques that work for you to help manage stress and anxiety. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have regarding the breathing techniques, tips and/or resources on self-care and mindfulness. As I mentioned, I do conduct workshops regularly and am available to come to organizations for more in-depth tailored workshops, feel free to get in touch with me here: and connect via - Niyati Shah, MIPP, ERYT 500”
Giving Back through THREAD
Interested in learning more about Thread, the Baltimore based organization founded by JHU Alum Sarah Hemminger that is focused on solving social isolation by building relationships across lines of difference? Learn more here or feel free to reach out to
Live & Lead through Authenticity
Join us for another day of personal and professional growth alongside your Johns Hopkins peers, friends, and colleagues.
Read full session descriptions and speaker bios here.
8:00 am Sign-In Opens
8:30 am Welcome and Warm-Up
Monica Kang (SAIS'13), CEO and Founder, InnovatorsBox leads us through an exercise in creativity to prime us for the day.
9:00 am Keynote
Désirée Younge, Vice President of Programs for the Tory Burch Foundation will kick off this day of community and empowerment.
10:30 am Morning Workshops
(Click here for full descriptions. Subject to change.)
- Leading with Authenticity | This intimate conversation led by Désirée Younge, is intended for our participants who currently hold or have held C-level leadership positions.
- How to Network Through Authentic Engagement | Sherron Washington, MA
Whether online or offline and when done effectively, networking can provide you with a distinctive presence that will encourage others to be more willing to build an integral relationship. In this session, you will learn how to create meaningful interactions, discover how they can amplify your genius, and glean best practices in creating an authentic network to expand influence.
- Negotiating with Authenticity & Diplomacy | A Panel Discussion
Today’s environment seems increasingly polarized leaving people feeling unable to effectively collaborate with others who hold opposing views. Communication often is made in platitudes that regurgitate high level “sound bites” based on ethical beliefs but don’t enable others to share their opinions. This panel of professionals from industry, academia, and politics will discuss various means of fostering cooperative dialogue with peers, coworkers, and friends regardless of viewpoints and without compromising core values. Included we will cover topics such as: negotiating without compromising ethics or values; strategies used to achieve buy-in amongst colleagues; using diplomacy as a tool for negotiation; and dealing with pushback from others.
- Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Isn't for Every Woman | Kathryn Sollmann (Parent '22)
Many women feel pressured to conform to just one form of ambition - the race to the top - which leaves some feeling out of step and excluded. When leadership training is all about advancement and you're struggling to blend work and life, where do you go? In this session, you'll learn to be authentic about the work that fits your own life and unapologetically lean “in between” during periods of heavy caregiving. Today there are so many ways to blend work and life through professional, lucrative, flexible work, you don't need to strive for the C-Suite to be a success - “Up is Not the Only Way Forward”!
11:45 am - 1 pm Networking Lunch & Sponsor Showcase
1:15 pm Afternoon Workshops
(Click here for full descriptions. Subject to change.)
- How to give back through board participation | A Candid Conversation about board selection and participation
Being a leader means you have to stand-out both in the workplace and in the community. This panel will discuss the importance of board membership and community work to your career, how to achieve leadership positions through board membership and how to be a valuable participant on boards. Hear from women in different stages of their career about how they seek out and develop relationships with non-profit and community-based organizations and how those roles advance their careers.
- Power Within: Understanding and Managing Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia | An Interactive Session with Niyati Shah (SAIS)
Anxiety, stress, insomnia share an imbalance of the nervous system where stimuli (overt and subtle) drive our body and mind into 'fight or flight' mode. Learn what triggers this imbalance, and practice with internal tools -- your breath and mindfulness -- to deactivate it. In this session, we'll work with a few controlled breathing techniques and discuss tools to manage stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
- Discover Your Intrinsic Leadership Motivation | What makes your heart sing?
Adriano Pianesi, MBA, Carey Business School Executive Education
What motivates you and drives your leadership style may be surprising and different from those you lead and collaborate with. Learn about the 4 key elements of intrinsic leadership motivations and self-management, discover your motivation, and explore what that means for you as an individual, a colleague, and a leader.
- Promises and Products: Skin Care 101 | Dr. Orlinsky & Dr. Simmons-O'Brien
Join dermatologists, Dr. Diane Orlinsky and Dr. Eva Simmons-O’Brien, as they help you navigate affordable over-the-counter skin care and cosmeceuticals sold at doctors’ offices. Learn about your skin’s changing needs over time and what’s hot and what’s not in skin care.
2:30 pm Plenary Session | The Population Council
A look into women's and children's health challenges across the globe | The Population Council
Facilitated by Elspeth Williams (BSPH)
3:30 pm Social Change| THREAD
Explore the work of THREAD, a Baltimore-based non-profit that is using the community as a model to promote change.
Presented by Sarah Hemminger (Engineering)
4:30 pm Close and Networking Reception sponsored by Archer Roose Wines
Learn more about Archer Roose Wines from co-founder Marian Leitner (A&S)