

Scriptulate provides a framework for Safer and Smarter controlled-substance prescribing. It supports all key steps in the controlled-substance prescription process. Functionality includes:

One-click retrieval of PDMP reports
The software helps to identify clinical risks and opportunities
Checklists, workflows, and natural-language notes documenting decisions and actions
Conformance to recommended guidelines in clinical flow
Connection and integration with EHR systems
Analysis of patient records to identify addiction and abuse risks to help providers to mitigate the risks before it becomes an issue.
All records are preserved in Scriptulate as well as sent back to the EHR, and retrievable anytime by a click of a button. Irrespective of whether a provider changed the EHR or move to a new practice, the provider still has lifelong protection.

Company Industry
Healthcare & Medicine
Company Founded Year
Alumni Name
Nilu Kundagrami
Alumni Email
Alumni School
Whiting School of Engineering
Alumni Graduating Year