Student Group Alumni Contact Request

Connecting with Hopkins Alumni

Johns Hopkins University student groups may find valuable insight and support by connecting with alumni of their respective organization.  The Johns Hopkins Alumni Association is dedicated to facilitating these connections in a way that serves our students and alumni equally, while also protecting the privacy of our alumni. 

Johns Hopkins University students are always welcome to search for and connect with Hopkins alumni through networking channels such as OneHopAlumni and LinkedIn.  These tools are available to all Hopkins students and alumni and do not require additional oversight by the University.

Student Group Alumni Contact Request

Alumni contact by organization may be requested by completing this form. Once completed, the alumni office will reach out on your behalf to the alumni of your organization so that they may choose whether or not to reconnect with your group. Student groups requesting alumni contact must agree to the following policies and statement of confidentiality if alumni decide to engage in contact with them:

  • I understand that I am only authorized to use the requested contact information to update alumni on the activities of the ensuing student group and/or invite alumni to events hosted by such group.
  • I agree to limit e-mail communications to two per event or one per month as related to organization updates.
  • I agree that no direct fundraising solicitations will be sent via the contact information provided.  Monetary solicitations to organizational alumni must be coordinated with the Johns Hopkins Office of Annual Giving.  For more information, please contact Amanda Colaianni by e-mail at or phone at (410) 516-4143.
  • I understand that alumni contact information and student activity participation is self-reported, and therefore may result in incomplete or inaccurate data. 
  • I understand that the Alumni Association will not be responsible for advertising events for my student group.  Students may create and market events on the Alumni Association’s online networking platform, OneHopAlumni.
  • I agree to the following Information Statement of Confidentiality:

The Johns Hopkins Alumni Association respects the privacy of our alumni and university community and is committed to guarding against the unauthorized us or distribution of personal alumni information.

Alumni records are proprietary information maintained by Johns Hopkins University for official use and are not released to the general public or business community.

Official university use includes, but is not limited to: dissemination of university news and publications; invitation to university, athletic and alumni chapter events; class and affinity reunion planning and activities; sanctioned university student clubs and organizations; alumni activities; and authorized third party solicitations endorsed by the Alumni Association, such as affinity credit cards and alumni directory publications.

Alumni lists or labels may be released to Johns Hopkins alumni and students only if they are to be used for university activities or projects approved or endorsed by the Alumni Association and the appropriate university official only.

Alumni lists may not be used for fundraising purposes unless otherwise approved by the Office of Alumni Relations.

Alumni information released to volunteers may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise distributed without the written consent of the Office of Alumni Relations.

Individuals or groups may not use Johns Hopkins University alumni lists or labels for personal, commercial or political uses. Additionally, individuals and groups are prohibited from using lists or labels obtained from Johns Hopkins University for creating and/or maintaining independent alumni databases or web sites.

Any information regarding corrections, additions or deletions of data contained in the report(s) provided for your use should be reported to the Office of Alumni Relations within one week.

The Information Confidentiality Statement outline above will require a signature by both the student requesting the list as well as the student group’s JHU faculty or staff advisor.  This signed statement must be submitted to prior to any list being released.  A PDF of this agreement for official signature can be found here

Request student group alumni contact here.

Connect with JHU Alumni on LinkedIn here.

Connect with JHU Alumni on OneHopAlumni here.