Hopkins KnowledgeNET Databases

Hopkins KnowledgeNET® (HKNET) is a collection of journal article databases and reference databases, as well as free websites, both research-oriented and those of more general interest. Access from the HKNET homepage by clicking on the Licensed Databases or All Licensed Databases links.

The databases currently available in Hopkins KnowledgeNET® are:

Core Licensed Databases:
Alumni ABI/INFORM Collection (business/mgmt/finance/human resources/IT journals)
Alumni Research Library (social sciences/sciences/arts/humanities journals) 
Alumni ProQuest Medical Database (biomedical journals) 
Grove Music Online (part of Oxford Music Online)  

Additional Databases Provided (as availability permits):

AM Explorer (primary sources)
Annual Reviews (sciences and social sciences)
ARTFL (French texts)
Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers
British Literary Manuscripts
British Online Archives
CAIRN: Bouquet General
Data Axle Reference Solutions (company, residential and physician and dentist information; formerly called ReferenceUSA)
Gale in Context: Biography
Gale Literature Resource Center
Gale Primary Sources
Henry Stewart Talks: Business & Management Collection
Mergent Archives
Mergent BondViewer
Mergent Intellect
Mergent Online
Project Muse (JHU and other university press journals) 
Recent Researches in Music Online (RRIMO)
Sage Business Cases
Sage Data
Sage Journals Online (business/humanities/sciences/social sciences/medicine journals)
Sage Knowledge (ebooks)
Sage Research Methods
Sage Research Methods Cases  
U. S. Declassified Documents Online (Gale)
JPASS, a program from JSTOR, offers access to much of the JSTOR collection of scholarly archival journals for an annual fee.  Click here for more information.

Updated January 2024