Privacy and Security
The Johns Hopkins Alumni Association website, including Alumni Services and Hopkins KnowledgeNET, is a service provided by the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association to facilitate communication among individual members of the Johns Hopkins alumni community and Johns Hopkins. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Activities that are illegal or fraudulent
- Uses that inaccurately imply endorsement, approval, or sponsorship by Johns Hopkins University, the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association (or any individual officer of Johns Hopkins University or its officers)
- Uses that can be confused with official communications of Johns Hopkins University, the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association or its officers; Mass mailings (sometimes known as "spamming")
- Mailing using a false identification (sometimes known as "spoofing")
- Advertising or any form of commercial solicitation
- Activities that violate other alumni users' privacy such as granting access to the system or distributing information obtained from the services to non-alumni
- Hate speech and harrassment
Johns Hopkins University will deny further access to the secure portion of its website to those who engage in these or similar practices. The University may deny access to Alumni Services to any individual at any time.
As Alumni Services is hosted on University-owned equipment, all users must also abide by the University's Computer Acceptable Use Policy. The University reserves the right to discontinue any or all online services at any time or to revise the terms of this acceptable use agreement.