Why Public Service? - A Panel Discussion hosted by the JHU Law Affinity: Baltimore

Law Affinity: Baltimore
What drives people to pursue the challenging endeavors to seek office and to serve their communities? You are invited to hear from a distinguished panel of your fellow Hopkins alumni who have chosen a career in public service. This is a unique opportunity as they first discuss why they chose to dedicate themselves to serving the people of Maryland and then second their duties and responsibilities as elected officials.
Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served before and after the panel discussion courtesy of the JHU Law: Baltimore Affinity Community.
If you are a student, please register here. Otherwise, please do so by clicking the Register Now tabs located the top and bottom of this page.
State Senator Bob Cassilly, A&S '80
City Councilman Bill Henry, A&S ‘92
Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, A&S ‘79
State Delegate Susan McComas, A&S ‘74
Delegate Mary Washington, Ph.D. A&S ’92 and ‘98
State Senator Bobby Zirkin, A&S ‘93
State Delegate Charles Sydnor, A&S ’96