You CAN Get There from Here: Arts, Entertainment, Media and Entrepreneurship Panel - SOLD OUT

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Arts, Entertainment, Media and Entrepreneurship Affinity
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to develop Social Media strategy for Fortune 500 companies, start your own skin care company or guide today’s literary giants? Graciously hosted by Neal Pilzer, A&S ’78, join a dynamic panel discussion with vibrant and motivated alumni involved in arts, entertainment, media and entrepreneurship.
Panelists include:
- Francesco Clark, A&S '00
Founder, Owner Clark’s Botanicals - Elena Stokes, A&S '96
Founder, Partner Wunderkind PR - Song Hia, A&S '05
Account Manager, Percolate Industries, Inc. - Matt Gross, A&S '96
Web Editor, Bon Appetit - Vivianne Njoku, A&S '02
Teaching Artist
- Joe Molko, A&S '94
Senior Vice President, Content Distribution and Marketing
Viacom Media Networks (formerly MTV Networks)