“Perspectives in Stem Cell Therapy” A Panel Discussion - SOLD OUT

Please know this event is sold out. Thank you.
Hopkins Biotech Network Affinity
Please join the New York Hopkins Biotech Network for "Perspectives in Stem Cell Therapy." This informational session will feature academic, non-profit organization and patient viewpoints of this critical area of medical research and development. These speakers will discuss stem cell therapy from their unique perspectives and then participate in a panel discussion, including Q&A.
Speakers/panelists include:
Francesco Clark, A&S 2000, Founder of Clark's Botanicals and stem-cell therapy patient
Susan Solomon, JD; Co-Founder and CEO of the New York Stem Cell Foundation
Jeremy Sugarman, MD, MPH, MA; Harvey Meyerhof Professor of Bioethics and Medicine and Deputy Director of Medicine of The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics
Hongjun Song, Ph.D.; Director, Stem Cell Program and Professor of Neurology; Johns Hopkins Medicine
Jonathan Cargan, MD; A&S 1984 and President, Phoenix Ascendant Consulting, LLC
Beverages and light hors d'oeuvres will also be served.