The Next Revolution: How Has T3ch Changed the Way W3 Tell Storie5?

Arts, Entertainment, Media and Entrepreneurship Affinity Group
Technology and services like Twitter and YouTube have given us new platforms to tell stories, both immediately and across the globe. In the act of telling, can the narrative itself be changed? For as long as humans have existed we have been storytellers—the spoken word, print, and film. New forms that blur boundaries and use all of these elements are emerging. How does this change what we say about ourselves, others, and our culture? The panel will explore these ideas and share their personal experiences and revolutions.
Panelists include:
Mark Belinsky, '06 (Moderator), Entrepreneur, Technologist, Founder, New Worlds Media, Co-Founder, Digital Democracy
C. A. Holmes, '82, Consultant, Educator and Media Expert
Ahmed Shihab-Eldin, Journalist, Social-Media Addict, Producer and Host, Huffington Post Streaming Network
Lina Srivatsava, Principal, Lina Srivatsava Consulting
Oscar Trelles, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Technology Consultant