NYC StartUP! Showdown

Arts, Entertainment, Media and Entrepreneurship (AEME) Affinity: NY in collaboration with JHU Innovation Factory and alumni partners at DreamIt Ventures
With the holiday break about to end, Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory is pumped to get back into the swing of things by bringing together Johns Hopkins students, alumni, and friends in the city that never sleeps. Together with DreamIt Ventures NYC and Johns Hopkins AEME New York, we'll be supplying a superstar panel of venture capitalist judges, a rockstar speaker, and enough food & drinks to allow ample mingling amongst fellow Blue Jays. We're on the hunt for 4-8 awesome JHU-affiliated start-ups to pitch at the event. If you're part of a JHU-affiliated start-up and would like to participate, please submit your start-up materials through the RSVP form at
*JHU-affiliated = At least one team member that is a JHU student, alumni, faculty, staff, or member of our larger community (family, spouse, partner, etc.)