LixCap (Lixia Capsia Gestionis)

LixCap (Lixia Capsia Gestionis)
LixCap provides best-in-class consulting for projects concerning access to finance, agriculture, investment, energy, economic growth and market analysis. We work with a range of clients, including commercial enterprises, investment funds, governments, aid agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), development financing institutions (DFIs) and other development consultancies. We act as the intermediary between development actors and the private sector, enabling activities such as public private partnerships (PPPs). Successful alignment of a variety of stakeholders is a fundamental part of our work, and we often go beyond the role of the typical consultancy by sharing project risk with our partners. We have an excellent network of contacts in the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular strength in the Francophone zone.