8:32 Society: Christian Alumni Affinity

The 8:32 Society: Christian Alumni AffinityOur MissionThe 8:32 Society is a network of Christian alumni who are committed to supporting each other in faith, scholarship, and vocation. We look to engage both timeless human questions and specific contemporary challenges across diverse academic disciplines from a distinctly Christian perspective through intellectually rigorous dialogue. We seek to discover how our unique gifts, in the context of our specific professions, can glorify God and promote the flourishing of human society.
The name 8:32 Society comes from the Johns Hopkins University motto Veritas vos liberabit, which translates from Latin into English as the truth shall set you free, and comes from the scripture verse John 8:32.
The NeedChristians on campus and in the professional world have unique opportunities and challenges that require intellectual, spiritual and community support from Christian peers and colleagues in their field. While students grow intellectually through their university coursework, they also seek to understand how what they learn in the classroom intersects with their faith and life outside of academia. Alumni and faculty represent an often untapped resource of wisdom and experience in exploring these questions, but logistic challenges can prevent mutually beneficial connections from ever occurring. Additionally, alumni often feel isolated in their career and struggle to integrate their work and spiritual life.
Recent movements have been emerging on college campuses to meet these needs such as Christian journals, study centers, conferences on career and faith, and alumni groups. These efforts have synergistically strengthened and brought together existing campus ministries, filling a gap not met by local churches, bridging the disconnect and distrust that often develops between academia and the Christian community, and connecting alumni, faculty, and students so that individuals receive the professional and intellectual support they need both during and after their studies.
We seek to cultivate this movement in the Johns Hopkins Christian community by leveraging the strength of Christian Hopkins alumni, networking alumni, faculty and students, and thus mentoring the next generation of Johns Hopkins Christian leaders.
If you are interested in the 8:32 Society: Christian Alumni Affinity, and would like to receive updates, please complete the survey here.
Upcoming Events
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Past Events
Symposium on Christian Faith, Reason, and Vocation
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Christian Faculty Dinner
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Symposium on Christian Faith, Reason, and Vocation
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Inaugural Christian Alumni Dinner
Saturday, October 29, 2016