International Shorts “Best Of” Film Festival, Student Photo Exhibit & Research Remix - An Evening of Thoughtful Art

Hosted by GeeksRock! and AEME: Baltimore Affinities
From still photography to moving pictures and a few things in-between, join us for an event in the new Centre Theater in Station North. The evening includes food, drink, networking, and art. The International Shorts Film Festival has something for everyone -- from a comic babysitting snafu in Argentina to a bitter Indian divorce to a violent confrontation between three men in a Texas dive bar -- in this screening of award-winning shorts, you'll see both live action and animated films by talented directors from all over the world. The showcase is a fun and thought-provoking way to sample the culture of multiple countries in a single night.
The event also presents artists closer to home: selections from student photography from the Center for Visual Arts will be on display. We will introduce you to Research Remix; a program incorporating original artwork and research by participating JHU students, faculty, and artists from the Baltimore area. Researchers were invited to share excerpts from their research with participating artists, who then created work inspired by or interpreting their research - come see the concept and the results.