Student Grants Program 2012-13

The Brotherhood Alliance for Science and Education (BASE)

By: BASE Coordinators (Michael Daniel, Ross McMillan, Shannon Walker and J. Corey Williams)

The Brotherhood Alliance for Science and Education (BASE) is a mentorship program devoted to increasing the number of underrepresented minority males advancing through grade school and into college. BASE attempts to provide the young men and their parents with tangible examples of higher education, professional development, and health careers, and affirm them as attainable and worthwhile goals. The program is driven to foster and develop personal relationships among its members and the mentors that serve them in order to provide a source of guidance and support at each level. It is through these relationships that the program looks to establish a sense of community and empowerment in our mentors, mentees and the surrounding community.

In order to help develop our mission, BASE conducts weekly sessions aimed to enrich our mentees and mentors. From poetry workshops to financial literacy lessons to standardized test preparation to culinary lessons, the BASE program implements enriching and engaging activities. As a supplement to our weekly lessons, the BASE Alumni Association Student Grant proposes a series of culturally and educationally enriching field trips. Over the years, we mentors have seen the importance that an introduction to higher education has had on our mentees. We have also appreciated their growth from the exposure to culturally enriching opportunities, both within and beyond Baltimore City. It is through these experiences that our mentees will continue to learn and grow into well-rounded, successful men. Ultimately, we hope that they will share their experiences with others in and around their home community, thus helping to enhance the East Baltimore community.

As an organization whose mission is based upon "fostering beneficial relationships in the Johns Hopkins Community," it is apparent that the JHU Alumni Association supremely values the friendships and experiences that are gained within a strong community. Similarly, the BASE program values a strong relationship with the community in and around East Baltimore. The BASE program and the Alumni Association share a common goal: to enhance and empower the East Baltimore Community. Our shared vision inspired the members of BASE to apply for the Alumni Association Student Grant.  

The BASE program is ecstatic about our recently awarded grant from the Alumni Association! Both mentors and mentees alike are happy that we will have the opportunity to expand upon our shared vision of cultural and educational empowerment.

This grant will allow us to continue to expose the BASE mentees to some of our country’s most historic landmarks and educational institutions. Last year, the BASE program was able to send various students to Atlanta, GA, Philadelphia, PA and Washington DC. Many students who had never left Baltimore’s city limits were exposed to the Atlanta University Center, Ebenezer Baptist Church, the University of Pennsylvania, the Liberty Bell, Howard University and the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. The young BASE mentees enjoyed these opportunities and were left thirsty for more. We hope to build upon these experiences in the coming year to lift our young men onward and upward.

While we believe our proposal could be undertaken without the grant, we do not believe it would be nearly as successful nor encompass quite the scope without the support of the Alumni Association. It is through the generous support and encouragement of the JHU Alumni Association that we are able to dream bigger and accomplish more.

As BASE mentors, we are driven by a desire to help guide our young men in a positive direction. To share these experiences with our mentees is an invaluable opportunity. We mentors gain an understanding and appreciation for the surrounding East Baltimore community and thereby become more invested in its growth and improvement. Thank you for the support!