Eastern and Oriental Express: Bangkok to Bali

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November 6-19, 2013

From $6,495 (plus air and taxes)

Experience an exotic kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, cultures and ancient histories in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Visit elaborate temples, palaces and shrines throughout this exciting program. Discover Bangkok on a tuk-tuk, cruise the Chao Phraya River on a rice barge, marvel at the opulence of the Grand Palace, visit Wat Arun and more. Learn about endangered Asian elephants, and immerse yourself in the beauty of ancient Siam in Ayutthaya. Celebrate the golden age of travel for three nights aboard the legendary Eastern & Oriental Express Train. Drift down the Kwai Yai River on a raft, and visit colonial Georgetown, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore lively Singapore before flying to Bali. Explore this idyllic island with visits to Kerta Gosa, Mount Batur and the markets of Ubud. Admire its breathtaking scenery, volcanoes, jungles and white-sand beaches. This program includes luxurious accommodations, an extensive meal plan and wine with dinner.

To make a reservation, fill out the form in the brochure or contact Alumni Holidays International at (800) 680-4244 or www.ahitravel.com.

For Johns Hopkins information, please contact Lisa Auchincloss or Marguerite Jones at 800-548-5481.